Classifying coping strategies from suicide prevention safety plans
Communicating the science of suicide prevention: a call to action for psychologists
Do people know how suicidal they will be? Understanding suicidal prospection
Does gender predict research awards among prolific suicidologists? A research note
Efficacy of mentalization-based therapy in treating self-harm: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Fearlessness about death and suicidal ideation: religious identity matters
Improved insomnia is one pathway underlying the anti-suicidal properties of clozapine
Minority stressors and suicidal ideation in sexual minority individuals across adulthood
Perceived responsiveness in suicidal ideation: an experience sampling study in psychiatric patients
Predictors of inpatient suicide in an Irish psychiatric service, a longitudinal case-control study
Psychological mechanisms of the development of suicidal ideation: longitudinal cohort study
Suicidal ambivalence: a scoping review
Suicide crisis syndrome: a systematic review
The end of ambivalence: a narrative perspective on ambivalence in the suicidal process
The impact of relationship type and closeness on mental health following suicide loss
The role of emotional suppression and emotional beliefs in explaining the honor-suicide link
The Virtual Hope Box mobile application: a systematic review of the literature