A machine learning approach to identifying changes in suicidal language
Anticipated suicide stigma, secrecy, and suicidality among suicide attempt survivors
C-SSRS performance in emergency department patients at high risk for suicide
Calls to helplines in Australia following media reports of Robin Williams' suicide
Capability for suicide: discrimination as a painful and provocative event
Exploring the scope and structure of suicide capability
Fearlessness about death predicts adolescent suicide attempt: a preliminary analysis
How bad is it? Suicidality in the middle of the CoViD-19 pandemic
Material hardship and suicidal behavior: associations among parents and non-parents
Naturally occurring language as a source of evidence in suicide prevention
Online disinhibition and internet communication of non-suicidal self-injury
People exposed to suicide attempts: frequency, impact, and the support received
Prevalence of suicide-related behaviors among physicians: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Psychache predicts suicide attempter status change in students starting university
Questions of faith: religious affiliations and suicidal ideation among sexual minority young adults
Self-stigma toward nonsuicidal self-injury: an examination of implicit and explicit attitudes
Sleep in youth with repeated self-harm and high suicidality: does sleep predict self-harm risk?
Suicidal ideation across race in a justice-involved sample: an item response theory approach
Suicide safety planning during a pandemic: the implications of CoVID-19 on coping with a crisis
Suicide-specific cognitions, attentional fixation, and worst-point suicidal ideation
The role of reward sensitivity and childhood maltreatment in predicting nonsuicidal self-injury
The role of the 5-HTTLPR polymorphism in acquired capability for suicide
Variation in suicide risk among subgroups of sexual and gender minority college students
Veterans justice programs: assessing population risks for suicide deaths and attempts