A comparison of Chinese adults who consume homemade versus commercial alcohol
A high note: drug misuse in popular rap music
Alcohol's harm to others: does the drinking location matter?
Content analysis of U.S. newspaper coverage of causes and solutions to vaping-associated lung injury
Early age of alcohol initiation and its association with suicidal behaviors
Exposure to Hurricane Sandy and risk of opioid abuse
Fatal and non-fatal heroin-related overdoses: circumstances and patterns
Frequent marijuana or alcohol use in low-income emerging adults: impact of adverse life experiences
Gender differences in the prediction of alcohol intoxication among adolescents
High school intramural participation and substance use: a longitudinal analysis of COMPASS data
Impulsivity and medical care utilization in veterans treated for substance use disorder
Increasing alcohol control policy support: the mediating role of empathy and emotions
Nonmedical use of prescription stimulants as a "red flag" for other substance use
Opioid exposures reported to U.S. poison centers
Post-legalization drug communication: examining a Colorado cannabis campaign
Prevalence and correlates of illicit drug use among Norwegian nightlife patrons
Rationalities of space and drug-related harms: accounts of people who inject drugs in Nigeria
Reinstating over-pouring behavior: importance of the imagined drinking context
Sexual violence and chemsex among substance-using sexual and gender minorities in Texas
Shame's associations with depression and problem drinking: an ecological momentary study
Social norms vs. fear appeals: mixing alcohol with prescription drugs - a message testing study
Temporal, sex-specific, social media-based alcohol influences during the transition to college
The association between distress tolerance and alcohol outcomes via internal drinking motives
The effects of individual and dual ACE domains on binge drinking: comparisons by gender
The joint effect of childhood abuse and homelessness on substance use in adulthood
Why switch? - motivations for self-substitution of illegal drugs