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Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 76

A "Self-Milieux" perspective on help-seeking: examining the impact of a person's sociocultural background on help-seeking in people with untreated depressive symptoms

Adverse childhood experiences and risk of late-life dementia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Anxiety and depression in people with post-COVID condition: a Belgian population-based cohort study three months after SARS-CoV-2 infection

Association between negative life events and suicidal behavior in adolescents: roles of core self-evaluation, depression and gender

Association between suicidal ideation, negative symptoms and theory of mind in first episode psychosis

Association of loneliness with mental disorders in Korean adults: National Mental Health Survey of Korea 2021

Associations between multiple sleep dimensions and suicide and non-suicidal self-injury: a cross-sectional study of 3828 Chinese young people

Associations between readmission and patient-reported measures in acute psychiatric inpatients: a multicenter prospective longitudinal study

Associations between recorded loneliness and adverse mental health outcomes among patients receiving mental healthcare in South London: a retrospective cohort study

Change in incidents of suicidal acts after intervention on a bridge in South Korea

Child maltreatment and psycho-social impairments among child laborers in rural Bangladesh

Childhood internalizing, externalizing and attention symptoms predict changes in social and nonsocial screen time

Childhood neighbourhood quality, peer relationships, and trajectory of depressive symptoms among middle-aged and older Chinese adults

Comparing two measures of neighborhood quality and internalizing and externalizing behaviors in the adolescent brain cognitive development study

Correction to: Healthcare utilization and psychiatric morbidity in violent offenders: findings from a prospective cohort study

Correction: Childhood internalizing, externalizing and attention symptoms predict changes in social and nonsocial screen time

Correction: Perinatal depression and its associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Correction: Suicidal ideation and attempt among young people living in Gosiwons in South Korea

Correction: Suicide rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Delaying high school start times impacts depressed mood among students: evidence from a natural experiment

Depression and loneliness among Sub-Saharan immigrants living in the greater Paris area: results from the MAKASI empowerment stepped wedge cluster randomised controlled trial

Depression and suicidal ideation among Black individuals in Canada: mediating role of traumatic life events and moderating role of racial microaggressions and internalized racism

Development of an early intervention in psychosis services fidelity questionnaire

Developmental trajectories of conduct problems and time-varying peer problems: the Bergen child study

Differences in psychological treatment outcomes by ethnicity and gender: an analysis of individual patient data

Discrepancies in prevalence estimates of suicidal ideation and attempts in 18- to 22-year-old US college students: a comparison of three surveys

Does attachment anxiety mediate the persistence of anxiety and depressive symptoms from adolescence to early adulthood?

Drowning in the ripple effect: identifying a syndemic network of health experience (with modifiable health behaviours) using the UK Biobank

Ethnic and sexual orientation inequalities in mental health-obesity comorbidity, self-harm, and attempted suicide among British adolescents

Excessive internet use among Finnish young people between 2017 and 2021 and the effect of COVID-19

General practitioner consultations for mental health reasons prior to and following bereavement by suicide

Global burden of diseases attributable to intimate partner violence: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

Household energy poverty and trajectories of emotional and behavioural difficulties in children and adolescents: findings from two prospective cohort studies

How do schools influence the emotional and behavioural health of their pupils? A multi-level analysis of 135 schools in the Born in Bradford inner city multi-ethnic birth cohort

Immersive virtual reality as a novel approach to investigate the association between adverse events and adolescent paranoid ideation

Intolerance of uncertainty and psychological flexibility as predictors of mental health from adolescence to old age

Level of perceived social support, and associated factors, in combat-exposed (ex-)military personnel: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Life is better but not without challenges: experiences following discharge from community-based residential mental health rehabilitation-a qualitative content analysis

Lifetime prevalence of psychotic-like experiences and associated factors in Chile

Lower levels of social support are associated with risk for future suicide attempts in a clinical sample of transgender and gender diverse adults

National and state-level trends in the availability of mental health treatment services tailored to individuals ordered to treatment by a court: United States, 2016, 2018, and 2020

Negative life events and suicidality among adolescents in Western China: the mediating effect of depressive symptoms and the moderating effect of self-esteem

Neighborhood material versus social deprivation in Canada: different patterns of associations with child and adolescent mental health problems

Neighborhood safety perception and depressive symptoms in China: a moderated mediation relationship

Opening up the 'black-box': what strategies do community mental health workers use to address the social dimensions of mental health?

Perinatal depression and its associated risk factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Post-traumatic growth in later-life cognitive function? Evidence from the 1976 Great Tangshan Earthquake

Poverty and birth cohort effects of experiencing the 2007-2009 Great Recession during adolescence on major depressive episodes and mental health treatment of young adults in the United States

Pregnancy complications and childhood mental health: is the association modified by sex or adverse social circumstances? Findings from the 'growing up in Ireland' national infant cohort study

Preliminary evaluation of a questionnaire for assessing fidelity of early intervention for psychosis services

Prevalence and risk of sexual violence victimization among mental health service users: a systematic review and meta-analyses

Prevalence of hazardous alcohol consumption and evaluation of associated factors in university students

Prevalence, distribution, and inequitable co-occurrence of mental ill-health and substance use among gender and sexuality diverse young people in Australia: epidemiological findings from a population-based cohort study

Problematic social media use and psychological symptoms in adolescents

Psychological and socio-ecological correlates of 12-month suicide behavior among junior high school students in the greater Accra region of Ghana

Racial/ethnic inequality in homelessness and drug overdose deaths in US States

Risk factors of suicide in prisons: a comprehensive retrospective cohort study in France, 2017-2020

Risk psychosocial factors associated with postpartum depression trajectories from birth to six months

Season of birth and schizotypy in a sample of undergraduate students

Sexual harassment, sexual violence and subsequent depression and anxiety symptoms among Swedish university students: a cohort study

Social and economic determinants of drug overdose deaths: a systematic review of spatial relationships

Social exclusion as a major outcome domain of psychotic disorders: early predictors, and associations with non-recovery and clinical staging 21 years after a first episode of psychosis

Societal recovery trajectories in people with a psychotic disorder in long term care: a latent class growth analysis

Sociodemographic risk factors for the persistence of harmful alcohol use: a pooled analysis of prospective cohort studies

Socioeconomic status, alcohol use and the role of social support and neighbourhood environment among individuals meeting criteria for a mental health problem: a cross-sectional study

Suicidal ideation and attempt among young people living in gosiwons in South Korea

Suicidal ideation in the context of alcohol use among college students: differences across sexual orientation and gender identity

Suicide rates before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Temporal evolution of suicide by levels of rurality and deprivation among Japanese adults aged 20 years or over between 2009 and 2022

Testing a syndemics perspective on the effects of multiple adversities on depression and anxiety symptoms in a representative population sample

The association between sexual orientation and psychotic like experiences during adolescence: a prospective cohort study

The full spectrum of clinical stages of psychosis at prison entry: prevalence and concurrent validity of symptom screening

The impact of minimum wage increase on suicidal ideation in South Korea: a difference-in-differences analysis using nationally representative panel data

The psychological impact of the rise in media reporting of sexual violence after COVID-19 pandemic on Pakistani women's mental health

The role of job strain in the relationship between depression and long-term sickness absence: a register-based cohort study

Using random forest to identify correlates of depression symptoms among adolescents