An ecological study of temporal trends in 'deaths of despair' in England and Wales
Assessing incident depression among older people with and without HIV in U.S
Autonomy versus support: self-reliance and help-seeking for mental health problems in young people
Bullying in clinical high risk for psychosis participants from the NAPLS-3 cohort
Cohort profile: biological pathways of risk and resilience in Syrian refugee children (BIOPATH)
Dual-harm in adolescence and associated clinical and parenting factors
Family, twin and adoption studies of severe mental disorders in sub-Saharan Africa: a scoping review
Fear of relapse in schizophrenia: a mixed-methods systematic review
Inequity in psychiatric healthcare use in Australia
Loneliness and the onset of new mental health problems in the general population
Macro-level gender equality and women's depressive symptoms in South Korea: a longitudinal study
Mental health services use and depressive symptom scores among gay and bisexual men in Canada
Modeling the association between and predictors of two constructs of resilience
Pet ownership, loneliness, and social isolation: a systematic review
Prevalence and risk factors of postpartum depression among women living in the United Arab Emirates
Problem drinking recognition among UK military personnel: prevalence and associations
School burnout trends and sociodemographic factors in Finland 2006-2019
Secular trends in childhood pain and comorbid psychiatric symptoms: a population-based study
Sedative drug-use in Denmark, 2000 to 2019: a nationwide drug utilization study
Suicide among hospitality workers in Australia, 2006-2017
The gendered relationship between illicit substance use and self-harm in university students
The relationship between social support in pregnancy and postnatal depression
Time of self-harm presentations to hospital emergency departments: a scoping review
Toward a typology of driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs
Using novel methodology to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders in British Columbia, Canada