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Scandinavian journal of public health

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 14

A systematic review of the social impact of diseases in Nordic countries

Association between childhood family structure and health-related quality of life at middle age: a longitudinal study of Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1966

Association of school neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantage and teaching staff's risk of violence at work

Average lifespan variation among people with mental disorders in Denmark: a nationwide, register-based cohort study

Health and social care staff's recognition of elder abuse perpetrated by family members of persons with dementia: a mixed-method study

Mental health problems among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic: a repeated cross-sectional study from Sweden

Pedestrian wintertime slip and fall injuries-effectiveness of weather warning service in prevention

Prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and associated factors among professional orchestra musicians in Norway

Prevalence of sexual harassment and its association with aspects self-reported health: a cross-sectional study in Sweden

Swedish women reaching post-traumatic growth after an intimate partner violence relationship: a study of formal help and growth after trauma

Trauma-informed care for women who are forced migrants: a qualitative study among service providers

Trends in adolescent mental health problems 2004-2020: do sex and socioeconomic status play any role?

Work ability trends 2000-2020 and birth-cohort projections until 2040 in Finland

Workplace sexual and gender-based harassment in Denmark: a comparison of the self-labelling and behavioural list method