Linking cognitive and affective heuristic cues to interpersonal risk perceptions and behavior
Machines meet humans on the social road: risk implications
Resilience patterns of urban road networks under the worst-case localized disruptions
Risk analysis sampling methods in terrorist networks based on the Banzhaf value
Risk coupling analysis under accident scenario evolution: a methodological construct and application
Risk justice: boosting the contribution of risk management to sustainable development
Risk perception and interpersonal discussion on risk: a systematic literature review
Smart cities at risk: systemic risk drivers in the blind spot of long-term governance
Textual data transformations using natural language processing for risk assessment
The effect of likelihood and impact information on public response to severe weather warnings
The effects of death awareness and reactance on texting-and-driving prevention
The emergence of complex adaptive response networks in China: a case study of four disasters
Understanding the regulator-regulatee relationship for developing safety culture