Building an interdisciplinary team for disaster response research: a data-driven approach
Dread and risk elimination premium for the value of a statistical life
Network reconfiguration for increasing transportation system resilience under extreme events
Out of sight, out of mind? Geographic and social predictors of flood risk awareness
Pragmatic and (or) constitutive? On the foundations of contemporary risk communication research
Return migration and decontamination after the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Risk-risk tradeoff analysis of nuclear explosives for asteroid deflection
Simulating behavioral influences on community flood risk under future climate scenarios
Stories for interdisciplinary disaster research collaboration
The frontiers of uncertainty estimation in interdisciplinary disaster research and practice
The psychophysics of terror attack casualty counts
Toward convergence disaster research: building integrative theories using simulation
Trends in multidisciplinary hazard and disaster research: a 1982-2017 case study
Trust and risk perception: a critical review of the literature
Understanding community resilience from a PRA perspective using binary decision diagrams