A novel recovery-based suicide prevention program in upstate New York
Barriers to increasing access to brief pediatric mental health treatment from primary care
Benefits and drawbacks of police integration into assertive community treatment teams
Computerized conjoint analysis of the weight treatment preferences of individuals with schizophrenia
Cost offsets of treatment for serious mental illness and substance use disorder
Criminal legal involvement: a cause and consequence of social determinants of health
Current capacity and future implementation of mental health services in U.S. LGBTQ community centers
Demilitarizing hospital restraints: recognizing the stones in our glass houses
Digital technologies and coercion in psychiatry
Drivers of county engagement in criminal justice-behavioral health initiatives
Economic evaluation of a crisis residential program
Financing early psychosis intervention programs: provider organization perspectives
Improving mental health guardianship: from prevention to treatment
Instruments for measuring violence on acute inpatient psychiatric units: review and recommendations
Intentional overdose prevention in the era of the 90-day prescription
Iterative revision of the DSM: an interim report from the DSM-5 steering committee
Mental health and psychosocial characteristics associated with COVID-19 among U.S. adults
Mental health services in a U.S. prison during the CoViD-19 pandemic
Navigating care from afar: ethical considerations for police welfare checks
Policy makers' priorities for addressing youth substance use and factors that influence priorities
Policy recommendations to address housing shortages for people with severe mental illness
Racism and mental health equity: history repeating itself
Reconciling statistical and clinicians' predictions of suicide risk
Responding to a major disaster: the trauma assessment and support clinic in Beirut
Rural-urban differences in physician bias toward patients with opioid use disorder
Settled insanity: substance use meets the insanity defense
Small area analysis of Veterans Affairs mental health services data
The challenging but essential pursuit of suicide prevention: reflections from a trainee. (editorial)
Transforming behavioral health care in Virginia
Traumatic brain injury and treatment of behavioral health conditions
Understanding self-injury: a person-centered approach
Universal suicide risk screening for youths in the emergency department: a systematic review
Weighing the association between BMI change and suicide mortality