A multi-state evaluation of the association between mental health and firearm storage practices
Adverse childhood experiences in a low-income Black cohort: the importance of context
Alcohol testing and alcohol involvement among violent deaths by state, 2014-2016
An examination of preferred messengers on firearm safety for suicide prevention
Assessment of county-level proxy variables for household firearm ownership
Association between gun owner attitudes and their behavior in private firearm sales
Bullying and suicide risk among sexual minority youth in the United States
Correlates of driving after cannabis use in high school students
Density of alcohol-selling outlets and prices are associated with frequent binge drinking in Mexico
Effect of Washington and Colorado's cannabis legalization on death by suicides
Exploring neighborhood socioeconomic disparity in self-rated health: a multiple mediation analysis
Firearm ownership and access to healthcare in the U.S.: a cross-sectional analysis of six states
Firearm purchases without background checks in California
Nonfatal use of firearms in intimate partner violence: results of a national survey
Prenatal cannabis use disorder and future risk of road traffic injuries in Canadian children
Public opinion on gun policy by race and gun ownership status
Risky youth to risky adults: sustained increased risk of crash in the DRIVE study 13 years on
State earned income tax credits and suicidal behavior: a repeated cross-sectional study
The Great East Japan Earthquake and suicide: the long-term consequences and underlying mechanisms