Adolescent athletes' self-presentations on social media and their self-esteem as moderated by their perceptions of responsiveness by others
Aiming movement after stroke: do time-since-injury and impairment severity influence ipsilateral performance?
Driving frequency modulates correlations between executive functions and driving performance: a driving simulator study
Dynamic structural equation modeling of the relationship among daily workplace incivility, daily emotional exhaustion, self-reported health and psychological capital
Effects of time pressure, reward, and information involvement on user management of fake news on a social media platform
Expression of Concern [[SAGE Publishing has been made aware of scientific concerns regarding the work of Dr. Nicholas Guéguen. Multiple concerns have been raised regarding the integrity of the research]]
Investigating the construct validity and reliability of the test of motor competence across Iranians' lifespan
Preventive effects of group cognitive behavioral therapy in first-year university students at risk for depression: a non-randomized controlled trial
Relationship between athletes' history of stressors and sport injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Snowboard landings from different heights: electroencephalography activity in motor preparation and lower limb electromyography changes