A comparative study between two combat injury severity scores
A focus on non-amputation combat extremity injury: 2001-2018
A qualitative examination of factors that influence sleep among shipboard sailors
A qualitative examination of factors that influence sleep among shipboard sailors: Erratum
Acute mild traumatic brain injury assessment and management in the austere setting-a review
Association of potential for deaths of despair with age and military service era
Cashew-induced oxalate nephropathy: a rare cause of acute renal failure
Casualties of the Spanish Army in Cuba during the "Long War" of 1868-1878
Combat and operational stress control interventions and PTSD: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Comparison of Royal Canadian Navy watchstanding schedules
Concussion knowledge and attitudes in Reserve Officers' Training Corps cadets
COVID-19 and the mental health of Canadian Armed Forces veterans: a Cross-sectional survey
Estimating repeat traumatic brain injury in the U.S. military, 2015-2017
General perspective on the U.S. Military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan after 20 years
Head impact modeling to support a rotational combat helmet drop test
Head wounds received during force-on-force training with non-lethal ammunition
Identifying patterns and predictors of prescription opioid use after total joint arthroplasty
Ketamine use in operation Enduring Freedom
Letter to the editor regarding risk factors for postpartum depression in active duty women
Literature review of sex differences in mTBI
Long-term healthcare expenditures following combat-related traumatic brain injury
Medical student involvement in disasters: how can we effectively serve?
Mental health stigma in department of defense policies: analysis, recommendations, and outcomes
Nicotine toxicity secondary to aftermarket modifications to a vaping device
Occupational injuries in musicians: a literature review
Physical exercise as treatment for PTSD: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment outcomes in military clinics
Predictors of emotional distress in combat military flight engineers
Preparing medical students for disaster response [editorial]
Psychiatric conditions during pregnancy and postpartum in a universally insured American population
Risk factors for postpartum depression in active duty women
Seasonal trends for environmental illness incidence in the U.S. Army
Severe drug-induced liver injury in the military: a retrospective review
Sexsomnia in active duty military: a series of four cases
Shallow water diving-associated alveolar hemorrhage in an active duty sailor: a case report
Sociodemographic factors in combat compensation seekers for delayed-onset PTSD
Substance use relapse among veterans at termination of treatment for substance use disorders
Teleophthalmology in the United States Army: a review from 2004 through 2018
The CoViD-19 response has uncovered and increased our vulnerability to biological warfare
Thematic analysis of military medical ethics publications from 2000 to 2020-a bibliometric approach
Vestibular physical therapy treatment of individuals exposed to directed energy
Where, when, and how alcohol use occurs during Air Force technical training