"Road rash" and dizziness: a case of hemodynamically significant topical clonidine toxicity
A cautionary tale about narcolepsy and deferrals to the civilian network
Arthropod assault: a case report of brown recluse envenomation in a training environment
Behavior training is not enough: empowering middle managers by shifting mindset
Being prepared for the next conflict Part II: case analysis of a military Level 1 trauma center
Chest pain from supplement use in an active duty soldier: a case report
Department of defense and eye injury data: shedding new light
Depression screening during pregnancy: compliance and effectiveness in a military population
Embedded mental health in the United States Marine Corps
Emergency department utilization in the U.S. military health system
Fatal isoniazid hepatotoxicity in the deployed environment
Firearm suicide among veterans of the U.S. Military: a systematic review
Functional movement screen items predict dynamic balance under military torso load
High-risk and long-term opioid prescribing to military spouses in the Millennium Cohort Family Study
Impacts of rTMS on refractory depression and comorbid PTSD symptoms at a military treatment facility
Implementation and evaluation of tactical combat casualty care for army aviators
Level 1 trauma centers and OEF/OIF emergency departments: comparison of trauma patient populations
Long-term outcomes of thoracic trauma in U.S. service members involved in combat operations
Mental health outcomes among military service members after severe injury in combat and TBI
Mental health outcomes of premature discharge from United States Air Force basic military training
Mental health service use in depressed military personnel: a systematic review
Mental health service utilization and perceived barriers to receiving care in deployed soldiers
Moral injury among Nigerian soldiers following combat: case reports and a review of the literature
Mortality among male U.S. Army soldiers within 18 months of separation
Musculoskeletal injuries among females in the military: a scoping review
Requested editorial for: The opioid epidemic: challenge to military medicine and national security
Soldier-centered care: a concept analysis
Studying the health and performance of shipboard sailors: an evidence map
TBI and suicidality: a story of stress, risk, and resilience
The opioid epidemic: challenge to military medicine and national security
The transformation to health for all in correctional care: shifting mindset to end collusion
Three overlooked principles in evaluation of global health engagements
Trauma, teams, and telemedicine: evaluating telemedicine and teamwork in a mass casualty simulation