A pilot trial of online training for family well-being and veteran treatment initiation for PTSD
A preliminary study of U.S. Air Force pilot perceptions of the pilot-flight surgeon relationship
An examination of PTSD and criminal responsibility among US servicemembers
Are fathering interventions acceptable to veterans? A needs and preferences survey
Blast exposure and risk of recurrent occupational overpressure exposure predict deployment TBIs
Brazilian jiu jitsu training for US service members and veterans with symptoms of PTSD
Comminuted femur fracture in a free fall jump: a case report
Comparison of national and local approaches to detecting suicides in healthcare settings
Cost of military eye injury and vision impairment related to traumatic brain injury: 2001-2017
Does validity measure response affect CPT group outcomes in veterans with PTSD?
Elevated environmental carbon dioxide exposure confounding physiologic events in aviators?
Empty bullet-related ocular injuries during military shooting training: a 20-year review
Equine assisted therapy for patients with post traumatic stress disorder: a case series study
Heart rate variability as an index of resilience
Hope, religiosity, and mental health in U.S. veterans and active duty military with PTSD symptoms
Impact of TBI, PTSD, and hearing loss on tinnitus progression in a US Marine cohort
Mental health during naval deployment: the protective role of family support
Primary blast lung injury: the UK military experience
Restricting retail hours of alcohol sales within an army community
Scopolamine toxicity in an elderly patient
Severe upper limb injuries in U.S. Military personnel: incidence, risk factor and outcomes
Soldier attitudes toward behavioral health profiles in the US Army
Suicidal ideation in pregnant and postpartum women veterans: an initial clinical needs assessment
Teleophthalmology prevents unnecessary evacuation from warzone
The Epworth Sleepiness Scale in service members with sleep disorders
United States Air Force Academy cadets' perceived costs of concussion disclosure
What do veterans want? Understanding veterans' preferences for PTSD treatment delivery
Wrist injury in deployed U.S. Marine-how to maintain the mission