Advancing our knowledge of people who die by suicide in order to improve suicide prevention
Child abuse and premature mortality: disrupting the harm cascade
Hospitalisations and in-hospital deaths following moderate to severe traumatic brain injury in Australia, 2015-20: a registry data analysis for the Australian Traumatic Brain Injury National Data (ATBIND) project
Improving access to mental health care: a system dynamics model of direct access to specialist care and accelerated specialist service capacity growth
No filter: technology-facilitated sexual assault of children and adults
Over-the-counter cough and cold medicines: reported poisonings of children before and after the 2012 and 2020 labelling changes in Australia
Psychotropic and other medicine use at time of death by suicide: a population-level analysis of linked dispensing and forensic toxicology data
Self-harm and suicidal ideation in children and adolescents in contact with child protection services
Sexual abuse during childhood and all-cause mortality into middle adulthood: an Australian cohort study
Skin fragility disorder misdiagnosed as child abuse: a cautionary tale
The burden of occupational injury attributable to high temperatures in Australia, 2014-19: a retrospective observational study
The impact on poisonings of up-scheduling of modified release paracetamol to Schedule 3 (pharmacist only medicine)