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Journal of research on adolescence

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 15

A case study in developmental discontinuity: PROSPER Interventions and adolescent substance use trajectories shape young adult substance use and mental health problems

Black mothers' ethnic-racial socialization one year after highly publicized anti-Black murders during the pandemic

Contextualizing school discipline: examining the role of general peer and teacher discrimination at the individual- and school-level on individual suspension

Examining the causal effects of exposure to violence on crime among youth involved in the justice system: experienced, witnessed, and experienced-witnessed violence

Exploring adolescent-adult connections, coping, and safety among minoritized youth in neighborhoods impacted by community violence

Gender differences in Russian adolescent mental health from 1999 to 2021

Heterogeneity of adolescent bullying perpetrators: subtypes based on victimization and peer status

Influence of perceived peer behavior on engagement in self-damaging behaviors during the transition to university

Inter-parental conflict and empathy in early adolescence as predictors of dating violence perpetration in adolescence and adulthood

Peer sexual harassment among 10-year-olds: roles, genders, classroom occurrence, and associations with emotional problems

Short-term mindsets show co-development with adolescent delinquency, but not with adolescent cannabis use

Taking John Schulenberg's "long view" on successful transitions to adulthood: associations with adult substance use

Technology-enhanced mindfulness-based collaborative social reasoning to improve adolescents' social-emotional competencies

Too sensitive or not sensitive enough? Sensitivity to context and justice-involved youths' response to violence exposure

Transcendent thinking counteracts longitudinal effects of mid-adolescent exposure to community violence in the anterior cingulate cortex