"Being my own pillar of support": how Palestinian-Arab women citizens of Israel cope with IPV
"It's your own fault": factors influencing victim blaming
#MeToo and sexual violence reporting in the National Crime Victimization Survey
Adverse childhood experiences and mental distress among adolescents and youth in Zimbabwe
An exploration of geographic access to substance use treatment programs and violence against women
Bible overclaiming and intimate partner violence
Bullying at school and students' learning outcomes: international perspective and gender analysis
Bullying victimization and youth's likelihood of carrying a handgun
College faculty experiences with student disclosures of victimization
Differences between girls and boys in the disclosure of sexual violence
Discernment of children's true and false memory reports: police officers and laypersons
Examining associations between school connectedness, social support, violence, and firearm carrying
Explosive and harmful impulses: a subset of child and adolescent-to-parent violence and abuse
Factors associated with sexual victimization among transgender emerging adults
Firearms and extortions in Mexico, 2012 to 2021
Gendered corruption: people's reactions to victims of monetary versus sexual extortion
Help-seeking patterns among students experiencing sexual harassment: a latent class analysis
Intention to act: predicting bystander intervention in violent situations in South Korea
Intimate partner violence during lockdown: the potent influence of stress and authoritarian beliefs
Intimate partner violence risk factors: a vulnerability-adaptation stress model approach
Investigating the implications of sexual assaults with ride-sharing: a call for research
Investigating the psychological impact of cyber-sexual harassment
Involvement of guns in nonfatal conflict between adult children and their parents
Mental health and quality of life in Ecuadorian women exposed to gender-based violence
Not so simple: examining the gendered nature of intimate partner assault victimizations
Parents' vicarious event centrality of their child's interpersonal trauma
Peer victimization and adolescent mental health: school-level victimization as a moderator
Personal norms predict defending in bullying: mediating role of anticipated pride and guilt
Physical intimate partner violence and emotional harm in five U.S. states
Pornography use and sexual coercion: examining the importance of frequency, type, and other factors
Precollege risk markers for college rape and verbal sexual coercion: same or different?
Prevalence of parental violent discipline toward children: findings from a Portuguese population
Prototypes of hate and expectations of the model victim
Sexual assault response team goals and motivations for development
Sexual grooming behavior and processes of women who commit sexual offenses against children
Sexual harassment/abuse policies in U.S. youth sport programs
Sexual violence and revictimization in rural LGBTQ+ communities
Socioeconomic inequalities in intimate partner violence: evidence from Vietnam
Suicide while locked up in Texas: risk factors for death by suicide in custody
The association between food insecurity and intimate partner violence among U.S. Army soldiers
The prevalence of peer sexual harassment during childhood in Australia
The role of childhood violence in adult victimization among women experiencing homelessness in spain
The role of defendant gender and PTSD diagnosis in a battered spouse case
The spatial scale and spread of child victimization
Understanding help-seeking behavior among intimate partner violence victims in Nigeria
Validation of the adolescent dating violence victim-blaming attitudes scale
What will people think? How college students evaluate bystander intervention behavior
Yes, no, maybe so: the effects of relationship status on perceptions of inferred consent
Young women's silencing-type behaviors in heterosexual relationships