Associations between ethnic-racial identity and alcohol problems among diverse emerging adults
Characteristics associated with marijuana use in Latinx college students
Childhood abuse, posttraumatic stress symptoms, and alcohol misuse among African-American women
Differences in the delivery of motivational interviewing across three countries
Does marijuana use among African American adolescent males differ based on school factors?
Legal and social consequences of substance use: results from a nationwide study in Bangladesh
Opioid-related overdose deaths by race and neighborhood economic hardship in Chicago
Patterns and correlates of substance use among young adult African American women
Predictors of motives for marijuana use in African American adolescents and emerging adults
Relationship between risky behaviors and non-prescription opioid use among Asian American youth
Representation of addiction and drugs victims through TV media
Substance use among Latino international and domestic college students
Substance use and its risk factors in Turkey: a nationally representative sample study
Use and knowledge of novel synthetic opioids: an Italian survey
Violence, drugs, and psychiatric disorders: news from the Brazilian press