An epidemiological survey on personality disorder in Andalusia (the PISMA-ep PD study)
Brazilian immigrants in the United States and mental health: an integrative review
Hope and resilience among patients affected by unipolar and bipolar depression
Is violence against men a problem in Sri Lanka?
Microaggression toward LGBTIQ people and implications for mental health: a systematic review
Phase-based concerns of caregivers for individuals with a bipolar disorder
Psychological impact of the spring 2019 flood among adult population of Iran
Psychopathological consequences of child abuse: Letter from Russia
Suicide as a response for economic crisis: a call for action in Brazil
Suicide in a Colombian Indigenous community: beyond mental illness
Suicides among adults in Paraguay: an 18-year national exploratory study (2004-2022)
The epidemiology of self-immolation in Iraq: a systematic review
The impact of housing-price-related indices on suicide rates in Taiwan
The longitudinal impact of war exposure on psychopathology in Syrian and Iraqi refugee youth