"Guboow"-child abuse or traditional medical treatment? a case report
"Rust stain": a rare mark in firearm suicide-a case report and review of the literature
A hard way to die: when multiple lethal gunshots mean suicide
Advances in forensic diagnosis of electric shock death in the absence of typical electrical marks
An unusual suicide by self-waterboarding: forensic pathological issues
Death in the sauna-vitality markers for heat exposure
Deep learning in forensic gunshot wound interpretation-a proof-of-concept study
Elder abuse among Spanish and Iranian people: new methodological approach to the same old story
Evidence for the transfer of methadone and EDDP by sweat to children's hair
Findings of illicit drugs in hair of children at different ages
Forensic investigative issues in a fireworks production factory explosion
Gunshot homicides in Denmark 1992-2016
Judicial consequences in Spain for the completion of the medical death certificate
Police shootings after electrical weapon seizure: homicide or suicide-by-cop
Postmortem CT and autopsy findings in nine victims of terrorist attack
Practical application of synthetic head models in real ballistic cases
Spinal cord injury as an indicator of abuse in forensic assessment of abusive head trauma (AHT)
Tortures alleged by migrants in Italy: compatibility and other medicolegal challenges