Assessing outcome measures used after rib fracture: a COSMIN systematic review
Cycling related major trauma in Ireland
Damage control orthopedics and decreased in-hospital mortality: a nationwide study
Eye injury registries - a systematic review
How much can we trust the literature?
Implicit racial or ethnic bias in trauma care
Jockey injuries during the Siena "Palio". A 72-year analysis of the oldest horse race in Italy
Over view of major traumatic injury in Australia--implications for trauma system design
Pain management in the orthopaedic trauma patient: non-opioid solutions
Pre-injury health status of major trauma patients with orthopaedic injuries
Predictors of psychological distress following major trauma
Priorities for trauma quality improvement and registry use in Australia and New Zealand
Psychological factors and recovery from trauma
Pulseless electrical activity following traumatic cardiac arrest: sign of life or death?
Regional healthcare costs and burden of injury associated with electric scooters
The relationship between geographic location and outcomes following injury: a scoping review
Timing and methods of frailty assessments in geriatric trauma patients: a systematic review
Trauma care before and after optimisation in a level I trauma centre: life-saving changes
Variation in documented inhalation injury rates following burn injury in Australia and New Zealand