A qualitative study of the perceptions of mental health among the Traveller community in Ireland
An application of the ecological model to sexual harassment in informal areas of Cairo, Egypt
Barriers to the enforcement of mandatory seat belt laws in Ghana: an exploratory study
Developing an alcohol harm prevention research agenda in West Africa: a mixed methods approach
Domains of spirituality and their importance to the health of 75 533 adolescents in 12 countries
Integrating student and teacher insights to a school-based alcohol program through co-design
Power, control, communities and health inequalities I: theories, concepts and analytical frameworks
Power, control, communities and health inequalities II: measuring shifts in power
Power, control, communities and health inequalities III: participatory spaces-an English case
Social inequalities in availability of health-promoting interventions in Québec elementary schools
The influence of neighbourhood equity on parkrunners in a British city