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Health and social care in the community

Year: 2022
Articles in SafetyLit: 26

'Treat everyone like they're a man': stakeholder perspectives on the provision of health and social care support for female veterans in the UK

An exploration of factors impacting implementation of a multisystem hospital-based violence intervention program

Australian parent and sibling perspectives on the impact of paediatric acquired brain injury on family relationships during the first 6 weeks at home

Collective value of Abiriwatia and protective informal social control of child neglect: findings from a Nationally Representative Survey in Ghana

Community perspectives on how decentralising an emergency shelter influences transportation needs and use for persons experiencing homelessness

Domestic violence and abuse in local child safeguarding policy: how is the problem represented?

Falls in people post-Guillain-Barré syndrome in the United Kingdom: a national cross-sectional survey of community based adults

Food security for survivors of intimate partner violence: understanding the role of food in survivor well-being

Health effects of children's witnessing of elder abuse: evidence from six major cities in China

Help-seeker expectations and outcomes of a crisis support service: comparison of suicide-related and non-suicide-related contacts to lifeline Australia

Impact of socioeconomic status and health risk on fall inequality among older adults

Intimate partner violence against women with intellectual disability: a relational framework for inclusive, trauma-informed social services

Judgements of physicians, nurses, and social workers regarding suspected child maltreatment in community health care services

Major sports events and domestic violence: a systematic review

Negotiating organisational blame to foster learning: professionals' perspectives about Domestic Homicide Reviews

Occupational violence and aggression in urgent and critical care in rural health service settings: a systematic review of mixed studies

Peer-led interventions to reduce alcohol consumption in college students: a scoping review

Prevalence of falls, incontinence, malnutrition, pain, pressure injury and restraints in home care: a narrative review

Re-examining mental health crisis intervention: a rapid review comparing outcomes across police, co-responder and non-police models

Risk factors for intimate partner homicide in England and Wales

Subjective socioeconomic status: an indicator of intimate partner violence in middle-aged adults in Hong Kong

Suicide risk assessment fears, attitudes and behaviours of lifeline crisis supporters

Understanding health outcomes following workplace aggression: a social exchange perspective

Violence against women and perceived health: an observational survey of patients treated in the multidisciplinary structure 'The Women's House' and two Family Planning Centres in the metropolitan Paris area

Violence and victimisation in the lives of persons experiencing homelessness who use methamphetamine: a scoping review

Web-based support services to help prevent suicide in young people and students: a mixed-methods, user-informed review of characteristics and effective elements