Alcohol and cocaine use prior to suspected suicide: insights from toxicology
Alcohol intoxication incidence differences at companies in Lithuania
Assessing the impact of Queensland's late-night alcohol restrictions using health system data
Associations between trust and drinking among adolescents
Attitudinal factors associated with drink counting
Changes in and correlates of Australian public attitudes toward illicit drug use
Decline in alcohol consumption in Russia: collectivity or polarisation?
Declining youth drinking: a matter of faith?
Drinking and acquisition of unrecorded alcohol across educational groups in Sweden
Fear of missing out and binge-drinking among adolescents
Highs and downs: a scoping review of public opinion about cannabis, alcohol and tobacco in Canada
Lockdown and licensed premises: COVID-19 lessons for alcohol policy
Non-medical prescription opioid use and in-hospital illicit drug use among people who use drugs
Screening major trauma patients for prevalence of illicit drugs
The impact of changes to alcohol policy on patron drinking behaviours in Queensland
The impact of late-night alcohol restrictions on ambulance call-outs in entertainment precincts
The impact of liquor legislation changes on police-recorded serious assault in Queensland, Australia
The impact of Queensland's tackling alcohol-fuelled violence policy on nightlife and business trade
Understanding non-installers of the ignition interlock device: a qualitative analysis
Using passive surveillance technology for overdose prevention: key ethical and implementation issues
Using social media comments to reduce alcohol purchase intentions: an online experiment
Violence-related morbidity among people released from prison in Australia: a data linkage study
Was New Zealand's referendum to legalise cannabis premature?
Who would try (or use more) cannabis if it were legal?
Why did New Zealand's referendum to legalise recreational cannabis fail?