Conservation of resources and suicide proneness after oilrig disaster
Death anxiety in Lebanese college students in 1998 and 2015
Do criminal associates impact psychiatric inpatients' social support and interpersonal needs?
Emotional security theory: an application to sibling bereavement
Exploring suicide-related disclosure motivation and the impact on mechanisms linked to suicide
Future orientation, depression, suicidality, and interpersonal needs in primary care outpatients
Grief severity: a comparison between human and companion animal death
Is my grief too public for you? The digitalization of grief on Facebookâ˘
Males tend to die, females tend to pass away
Perceived suicide stigma, secrecy about suicide loss and mental health outcomes
Self-compassion as a buffer against concrete but not abstract threat
States of mourning: a quantitative analysis of national mournings across european countries
Suicide ideation among Southern U.S. sexual minority college students
Suicide, mental, and physical health condition stigma in medical students
The metaphorical zombie a review of zombie theory: a reader edited by Sarah Juliet Lauro
The Unfinished Business in Bereavement Scale (UBBS): development and psychometric evaluation
Therapeutic gardening: a counseling approach for bereavement from suicide