A community-based response to a suicide cluster
A study of the characteristics of suicide notes in China
A survey of people with lived experience of suicide-related behavior in Queensland, Australia
An investigation into the factor structure of the Attitudes to Suicide Prevention Scale
Cancer patients' mental health distress and suicidality
Caught between expectations and the practice field
Co-creation and impacts of a suicide prevention video
Contemporary classifications of suicidal behaviors
Coping, social support, and suicide attempts among homeless adolescents
Correlates of near-fatal deliberate self-harm in Qatar
Development and validity of the Personal Suicide Stigma Questionnaire (PSSQ)
Differences in suicidal thoughts and behaviors among three racial groups
Differences in suicide risk severity among suicidal youth with anxiety disorders
Do Dutch news reports about suicide refer to suicide prevention strategies?
Early identification of youth at risk for suicidal behavior
Evaluation of the safety and design of community internet resources for veteran suicide prevention
Factors associated with increased dissemination of positive mental health messaging on social media
High suicide rates among unaccompanied minors/youth seeking asylum in Sweden
Identifying suicide typologies among trauma-exposed veterans
Male-dominated occupations, employment status, and suicidal behaviors among Australian men
News media coverage of stakeholder views on suicide and its reporting in New Zealand
Pathways to suicide among people with a diagnosed mental illness in Victoria, Australia
Peer victimization, coping strategies, depression, and suicidal ideation among young adolescents
Perceived social support and mental health after suicide loss
Physical illnesses and medically serious suicide attempts in rural China
Research note on whether sexual minority individuals are over-represented among suicide's casualties
Responsibly communicating delays after suicides on railways
Sex-Specific Impact of Changes in Job Status on Suicidal Ideation
Societal reactions to suicide in Ghana
Suicide and attempted suicide in Jhenaidah District, Bangladesh, 2010-2018
Suicides of male Portuguese police officers - 10 years of national data
Systematic review of the inclusion of people with psychosis in suicide-specific clinical trials
Testing the strain theory of suicide - the moderating role of social support
The association between child abuse and attempted suicide
The burden of premature mortality related to suicide in West Azerbaijan from 2014 to 2016
The effect of sudden death bereavement on the risk for suicide: the role of suicide bereavement
The Impact of Suicide Prevention Act (2006) on suicides in Japan