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Community mental health journal

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 39

"and now that I feel safe…I'm coming out of fight or flight": a qualitative exploration of challenges and opportunities for residents' mental health in substance use recovery housing

"If you don't actually care for somebody, how can you help them?" Exploring young people's core needs in mental healthcare-directions for improving service provision

'Life minus illness = recovery': a phenomenological study about experiences and meanings of recovery among individuals with serious mental illness from southern India

A framework for school-based mental health programs in conflict zones

A universal program to improve mental health among youth from low-income predominantly minority communities: implementation of Advocates 4 ALL Youth (ALLY)

Addressing geographical inequities and barriers in access to mental health care among youth in a rural western Kentucky county

Addressing the spectrum of opioid misuse prevention, treatment, and recovery in rural Washington State communities: provider identified barriers and needs

Adolescent violence in the home among youth presenting to an early psychosis service: an exploration of contributing factors

Community collaboration for suicide and overdose prevention: attitudes, perceptions, and practices of community-based professionals and county leadership in New York State

Crisis intercept mapping for community-based suicide prevention: an assessment of the crisis infrastructure and future considerations for 988

Discontinuities in and perceptions of mental health service path of violent young offenders: a qualitative descriptive study

Disparities in access to mental health services among children diagnosed with anxiety and depression in the United States

Effectiveness of a virtual patient simulation training on improving provider engagement in suicide safer care

Effects of Texas state agency integration on mental health service use among individuals with co-occurring cognitive disabilities and mental health conditions

Establishing quality and outcome measures for recovery housing: a tiered approach supporting service evolution

Evaluating the experience of teen-to-teen crisis line volunteers: a pilot study

Exploring the quality-of-care dynamics of inpatient psychosocial rehabilitation in community-based mental health services: a comprehensive analysis

Global burden disease estimates for major depressive disorders (MDD): a review of diagnostic instruments used in studies of prevalence

Impact of opera on resilience and thriving in serious mental illness: pilot evaluation of the Center Cannot Hold part 2 and resilience workshop

Intrinsic motivation and institutional limitations: key implementation determinants of psychological first aid training

Juvenile justice-based interdisciplinary collective care: an innovative approach

Medical decision making in correctional facilities: highlighting gaps and advocating for policy change

Mental disorders among mothers in contact with the criminal justice system: a scoping review and meta-analysis

Mental health treatment use, perceived treatment need, and reasons for non-use among U.S. adults with serious suicidal thoughts during the COVID-19 pandemic

Micropolitics of mental health recovery: an assemblage analysis of people's experiences of becoming well

Mobile crisis teams' implementation in the context of new Medicaid funding opportunities: results from a national survey

Mutual aid groups for loneliness, psychosocial disability, and continuity of care

Patient experiences completing patient reported outcome measures in behavioral health within a health safety-net setting

Phase-based care in community mental health: a cost-effective innovation using algorithms, rating scales and treatment teams for depression management

Place-based FACT: treatment outcomes and patients' experience with integrated neighborhood-based care

Prevalence of four types of social support and their relation to mental health among low-income U.S. veterans: implications for community health

Reaching the unreachable: intensive mobile treatment, an innovative model of community mental health engagement and treatment

Rural suicide: demographics, causes, and treatment implications

Socioeconomic correlates of suicidal ideation in military veterans: examining the interaction between homelessness and financial debt

Strengths, struggles, and strategies: how adults with serious mental illness navigate long-term romantic relationships

The correlates of collective and individual trauma on mental health outcomes among Afghan refugees: a study of sociodemographic differences

The global prevalence of non-suicidal self-injury, suicide behaviors, and associated risk factors among runaway and homeless youth: a meta-analysis

Who benefits from acute psychiatric home treatment? A systematic review

Women with schizophrenia: beyond psychosis