Contextual factors of mental health crisis calls to law enforcement: a brief report
Effectiveness of a suicide prevention lethal means training program for the general public
Effects of adverse childhood experiences and chronic health conditions on current depression
Examining implementation of crisis centers on police officer emergency hold petitions
Family neglect and perspectives on patients living with mental health disorders on the street
Gender and age bias in the evaluation of suicide attempt behavior in an emergency department
How do mental health services foster hope? Experience of people accessing services
Implementing suicide risk screening in a virtual addiction clinic
Mental wellbeing and resilience in suicide prevention crisis line volunteers
Perceived educational needs of substance use peer support specialists: a qualitative study
Prevalence of childhood trauma in a community-based mental health clinic
Promoting intimate relationships in mental illness: a systematic review of interventions
Provider intentions to implement cannabis use intervention in first episode psychosis treatment
Public stigma toward schizophrenia within Latino communities in the United States
Reframing mental health ethics
Sociodemographic characteristics and patterns of suicide in Pakistan: an analysis of current trends
Suicidal behaviors and risk taking among homeless individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Suicidality among syrian refugee children in Jordan
Suicidality in the Arab world: results from an online screener
The role of acceptance in everyday loneliness among adults with serious mental illness
Trauma experience among women who have substance use disorders and are homeless or near homeless
Treating trauma in criminal justice-involved with SMI: "trauma is a huge part of it"