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Community mental health journal

Year: 2023
Articles in SafetyLit: 47

A 5-year suicide rate of adolescents who enrolled to an open dialogue-based services: a nationwide longitudinal register-based comparison

A constructivist grounded theory study on mental health recovery from a lived experience perspective in Singapore

A research-informed approach to providing behavioral healthcare to women with extensive trauma histories

Addressing socioeconomic determinants of youth suicidal ideation: lessons from a youth development approach in India

Assessing the feasibility of a peer education project to improve mental health literacy in adolescents in the UK

Changes in gatekeeper beliefs following ASIST and relation to subsequent gatekeeper suicide prevention behaviors

Clinical effects of the 'Crisis Toolbox' (CTB): a brief, skills based, intervention delivered in a crisis resolution and home treatment team

Contextual factors of mental health crisis calls to law enforcement: a brief report

Effectiveness of a suicide prevention lethal means training program for the general public

Effects of adverse childhood experiences and chronic health conditions on current depression

Ensuring optimal mental health programs and policies for first responders: opportunities and challenges in one U.S. state

Evaluating the effectiveness of suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings as part of an American Indian/Alaska Native youth suicide prevention program

Examining implementation of crisis centers on police officer emergency hold petitions

Factors associated with implementing the integrated behavioral health care model and Iraqi refugees in the USA

Family neglect and perspectives on patients living with mental health disorders on the street

Gender and age bias in the evaluation of suicide attempt behavior in an emergency department

Generating actionable evidence for school-based mental health service delivery: public-academic partnership based evaluations

Helplines for mental health support: perspectives of New York State college students and implications for promotion and implementation of 988

Historical representations and psychological distress among Africans in Europe: the mediation role of perceived discrimination

How do mental health services foster hope? Experience of people accessing services

How young adults with serious mental health diagnoses navigate poverty post-emancipation: the complex roles of community mental health services & informal social support

Implementing suicide risk screening in a virtual addiction clinic

Integrated treatment group curriculum for people with serious mental health conditions who use substances

Mental health service utilization and disparities in the U.S.: observation of the first year into the COVID pandemic

Mental wellbeing and resilience in suicide prevention crisis line volunteers

Mobile crisis services: a clinician survey of current suicide prevention practices and barriers to care delivery

Perceived educational needs of substance use peer support specialists: a qualitative study

Prevalence of childhood trauma in a community-based mental health clinic

Prevalence, correlates, and impact of psychiatric disorders and treatment utilization among Muslims in the United States: results from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions

Promoting intimate relationships in mental illness: a systematic review of interventions

Provider intentions to implement cannabis use intervention in first episode psychosis treatment

Public stigma toward schizophrenia within Latino communities in the United States

Reframing mental health ethics

Should we trust you? Strategies to improve access to mental healthcare to BIPOC communities during the COVID-19 pandemic

Sociodemographic characteristics and patterns of suicide in Pakistan: an analysis of current trends

Struggle and solidarity: seven stories of how Americans fought for their mental health through federal legislation

Suicidal behaviors and risk taking among homeless individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Suicidality among syrian refugee children in Jordan

Suicidality in the Arab world: results from an online screener

Suicide safety plan self-knowledge in serious mental illness: psychiatric symptom correlates and effects of brief intervention

The barriers and facilitators to decentralised nurse-led mental health service delivery in Sierra Leone

The intersectional impact of cost-related non-adherence and depression: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey by sex, race, and indigeneity

The role of acceptance in everyday loneliness among adults with serious mental illness

Toward a socioeconomic equity in combating adolescent substance abuse: an outreach and drop-in centre to bridge the gap

Trauma experience among women who have substance use disorders and are homeless or near homeless

Treating trauma in criminal justice-involved with SMI: "trauma is a huge part of it"

Universal, school-based mental health program implemented among racially and ethnically diverse youth yields equitable outcomes: building resilience for healthy kids