Affordable housing and neighborhood child maltreatment reports
Appellate review of child sexual abuse convictions: the importance of character evidence
Association between child maltreatment and substance use disorder across emerging adulthood
Birth spacing and child maltreatment: population-level estimates for North Carolina
Caregiver psychological maltreatment behaviors toward children on TikTok
Child maltreatment, the law, and two types of error [editorial]
Childcare subsidy employment and copayment requirements and child maltreatment
Childhood maltreatment, executive function, and suicide attempts in adolescents
Childhood sexual abuse: a longitudinal study of disclosures and denials
Children's elaborated responses to yes-no questions in forensic interviews about sexual abuse
Commentary: The legal system response to child maltreatment
Infant and pre-birth involvement with child protection across Australia
Our commitment to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in child maltreatment
Randomized control trial of a school-based curriculum that teaches about multiple forms of abuse
Swedish courts' evaluations of interpreter-mediated child investigative interviews
Youth reported perpetrators of victimization within a foster care sample