A global systematic scoping review of literature on the sexual exploitation of boys
ACE-IQ extended version validation and ACE's frequency in Mexican adolescents
ACEs and mental health problems as suicidality predictors in Mexican adolescents
Adverse childhood experiences, HIV and sexual risk behaviors - five sub-Saharan countries, 2018-2020
Associations between adverse childhood experiences and substance use: a meta-analysis
Climate change is a threat multiplier for violence against children
Developing the ACEIG-scale: an adverse childhood experience scale for Inuit youth in Greenland
Generating reliable data on street-connected children: finding protection in numbers
Global indigenous gender concepts, gender-based violence and resilience: a scoping review
Indigenous youth wellbeing: risk and resilience
Infants entering out-of-home care: health, developmental needs and service provision
Introduction to the special issue of child abuse & neglect: street-connected children
Longing to belong: the ambiguous loss of indigenous fostered/adopted individuals
Parental absence as an adverse childhood experience among young adults in sub-Saharan Africa
Parenting practices, bullying perpetration, and conduct problems among Ukrainian children
Recommendations for systemic change to support connectedness within Alaska Native child welfare
Sexual exploitation of children: barriers for boys in accessing social supports for victimization
The hole in my heart is closing: indigenous relative reunification identity verification
The sexual exploitation of boys: lost on the margins of GBV responses?
What's the matter with ACEs? Recommendations for considering early adversity in educational contexts