Adoption and trauma: Risks, recovery, and the lived experience of adoption
Changes in attachment disorder symptoms in children internationally adopted and in residential care
COVID-19 and violence against children: a review of early studies
COVID-19: Differences in sentinel injury and child abuse reporting during a pandemic
Economic instability and child maltreatment risk: evidence from state administrative data
Exploring youth voices in a pre-college program: implications for policy, practice & research
Geography of mobility and parenting behavior in low income families
Impact of COVID-19 lockdown: Domestic and child abuse in Bridgend
Income inequality and child maltreatment rates in US counties, 2009-2018
Modelling the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent discipline against children
Multisystemic enablers of sub-Saharan child and youth resilience to maltreatment
Norms and values: faith-based advances in child protection
Predictors of family violence in North Carolina following initial COVID-19 stay-at-home orders
Responding to child sexual abuse
Reunification trajectories in Quebec: acknowledging chronic family challenges to support stability
So close yet so different: neighborhood inequality and child maltreatment
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child protective services caseworkers and administrators
The progress in child protection 30 years after the CRC and the impact of ISPCAN
Violence against children during COVID-19: assessing and understanding change in use of helplines