'Poverty's scar: a qualitative inquiry of financing shortcomings in specialized burn hospitals
A state-wide analysis of pediatric scald burns by tap water, 2016-2018
Application of calcium nebulization for mass exposure to an accidental hydrofluoric acid spill
Beauty and the burn: should burn prevention influence regulation within the cosmetic industry?
Before, during and after: trauma-informed care in burns settings
Brazil Covid-19: change of hospitalizations and deaths due to burn injury?
Burn first aid knowledge in Germany and the influences of social-economic factors
Burn service costing using a mixed model methodology
Burn visits to a pediatric burn center during the COVID-19 pandemic and 'stay at home' period
Burns first aid practices amongst paediatric caregivers following secondary advice
Changes in burn referrals and injuries during CoVid-19
Comparing burn-related mortalities among Australia, New Zealand, and Iran
COVID-19 and the rise of the full 'Fitness' friction burn
Craniofacial and neck burns in the pediatric population
Development of delirium: association with old age, severe burns, and intensive care
Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on burns epidemiology
Efforts to catalogue non-governmental organizations with a role in global burn relief
Electrical burns and their consequences
Epidemiological trends of severe burns, 2009-2019: a study in the service of burns in Albania
Establishing scald prevention measures in UK maternity units from takeaway drinks
Fear avoidance beliefs and behaviors of burn survivors: a mixed methods approach
Firework-related injuries in young people: an update and recent initiatives
Gender has no impact on mortality and level of hospital stay in self-inflicted burns
Handling traumatic experiences in facially disfigured female burn survivors
Impact of the affordable care act's Medicaid expansion on burn outcomes and disposition
Incidence and characteristics of non-accidental burns in children: a systematic review
Increased admissions and hospitalizations to pediatric burn center during COVID 19 pandemic
Issues and concerns of family members of burn patients: a scoping review
Medicolegal evaluation of cases with burn trauma: accident or physical abuse
Modeling early thermal injury using an ex vivo human skin model of contact burns
Moving the lenses of trauma - trauma-informed care in the burns care setting
Multicentre observational study describing the systemic response to small-area burns in children
Narrative discourse of burn injury and recovery on peer support websites: a qualitative analysis
Ocular burns in the workplace: a silent threat to public health
Paediatric burns epidemiology during COVID-19 pandemic and 'stay home' era
Parents' perceptions of unintentional paediatric burn injuries - a qualitative study
PenKid measurement at admission is associated with outcome in severely ill burn patients
Pre-existing major psychiatric illness and self-inflicted burn injury
Pregnancy and burns: guidelines for safe management
Prescribing patterns of opioids and adjunctive analgesics for patients with burn injuries
Reduction in length of stay of patients admitted to a regional burn centre during COVID-19 pandemic
Severe burn injury: Body Mass Index and the Baux score
Severe nitrous-oxide frostbite injuries on the rise in The Netherlands; let's raise awareness
Sink bathing burns: a unique opportunity for an injury prevention initiative
Steam inhalation: more harm than good? Perspective from a UK burns centre
The COVID-19 pandemic and suicide by self-immolation: is risk increasing?
The effect of burn mechanism on pediatric mortality in Malawi: a propensity weighted analysis
The effect of neighborhood area deprivation index on residential burn injury severity
The end of the assembly line: shifting patterns of automotive burns
Traditional and modern practices in wounds and burn injuries in Turkey
Trends in burn injury mortality in Spain (1979-2018): sex-specific age-cohort-period effects