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Archives of suicide research

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 49

"No abnormality detected": a mixed-methods examination of emergency department coding practices for people in suicidal crisis

A review of systematic reviews: gatekeeper training for suicide prevention with a focus on effectiveness and findings

An open trial of a brief, self-compassion intervention targeting thwarted belongingness and perceived burdensomeness

Anger as a correlate of and longitudinal risk factor for suicidal ideation in adolescents

Are we using the right evidence to inform suicide prevention in low- and middle-income countries? An umbrella review

Borderline personality traits do not moderate the relationship between depression, beliefs, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors

Brooding, reflection, and anger rumination relate to suicidal ideation through the role of thought control

Centering community strengths and resisting structural racism to prevent youth suicide: learning from American Indian and Alaska Native communities

Changes in rates of suicide by mass shooters, 1980-2019

Characteristics and functions of non-suicidal self-injury that inform suicide risk

Childhood bullying as a predictor of suicidality in young adults in a nationwide population-based health examination study

Clinical trials studying suicide risk reduction: who is excluded from participation

Clinician perspectives on suicide safety planning and its implementation

Comparative effectiveness of ultra-brief, IPT-a based crisis intervention for suicidal children and adolescents

Counseling center and therapist effects on changes in suicidal ideation among college students receiving services on campus: comparisons across international status, race, gender, and sexual orientation

Effectiveness and acceptability of interventions offered for those bereaved by parental loss to suicide in childhood: a mixed methods systematic review

Facets of suicidal ideation

Female labor-force participation as suicide prevention: a population study in Taiwan

Firearm access and socio-structural factors related to suicidality among youth with diverse sexual, gender, and racial identities

Implementation of complex suicide prevention interventions: insights into barriers, facilitators and lessons learned

Interventions for self-harm and suicidal ideation in Africa: a systematic review

Multidimensional impulsivity and suicidal behaviour: a partial test of the integrated motivational-volitional (IMV) model of suicide

Past-year suicidal ideation, plans, and attempts by food security level in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults

Patterns of hospital presenting suicide-related ideation in older adults before and during COVID-19: findings from a national clinical service in Ireland 2018-2021

Perceptions of suicide among Pakistanis: results of an online survey

Perspectives on self-harm and suicidal ideation in Nigeria: a mixed-methods study of patients, family caregivers, clinicians, and the public

Prevalence and associated factors of perinatal suicide risk in Spanish women

Profiles of decision-making and suicidal behaviors

Psychosocial correlates of suicidal ideation and behavior in adolescents and preadolescent children discharged from an emergency department in Israel

Psychosocial identity, intimacy and suicidality in young adults

Relationship of major depressive disorder and schizophrenia polygenic risk scores to suicide: a comparison between European and Asian ancestry populations

Reliability of suicide risk estimates: a vignette study

Risk factors associated with suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior in wildland firefighters

Risks and warning signs for medical student suicide mortality: a systematic review

Safety planning intervention training among early career mental health professionals: perception of self-efficacy, usefulness and feasibility

Self-reported likelihood of a future suicide attempt: the role of plans for suicide

Sociodemographic factors associated with suicide outcomes in transgender and gender diverse young adults

Suicidal behavior of Australian males, from an ethnicity perspective

Suicidal ideation in medicinal cannabis patients: a 12-month prospective study

Suicidal thoughts and behaviors in parents caring for children with disabilities and long-term illnesses

Suicidality in veterinarians: trends at different career stages and a test of the interpersonal theory of suicide

Suicide death prediction using the Maryland Suicide Data Warehouse: a sensitivity analysis

Suicide rates and risks across U.S. industries: a 29-year population-based survey

Suicide risk in veterinary professionals in Portugal: prevalence of psychological symptoms, burnout, and compassion fatigue

Suicides, other external causes of death, and psychiatric status in suicide attempters: a national registry-based analysis in Israel, 2006-2020

Testing suicide ideation-to-action theory differences among those with nonsuicidal self-injury

The clinical sequelae of the COVID-19 pandemic: loneliness, depression, excessive alcohol use, social media addiction, and risk for suicide ideation

The components and characteristics of safety management plans used to reduce the risk of self harm: a PRISMA scoping review

Trauma exposure moderates the link between cognitive flexibility and suicide risk in pre-adolescent children