A systematic review of behavior-outcome psychological assessments as correlates of suicidality
Adolescents with non-suicidal self-harm-who among them has attempted suicide?
Age differences in the associations between outness and suicidality among LGBTQ+ Youth
Apolipoproteins and suicide: a potential psychiatric biomarker
Associations between firearm and suicide rates: a replication of Kleck (2021)
Changes in suicide ideation among users of online gatekeeping using search-based advertising
Characteristics of suicidal ideation: a systematic review
Cognition and non-suicidal self-injury: exploring relationships with psychological functions
Comparative epidemiology of attempted and fatal suicide in a defined catchment area in Israel
Depression and suicidality: the roles of social support and positive mental health
Development and validation of a model for predicting the risk of suicide in patients with cancer
Ethical issues to consider in designing suicide prevention studies: an expert consensus study
Experiential avoidance, pain, and suicide risk in a national sample of Gulf War veterans
Eyes fixed on Heaven's Gate: an empirical examination of blink rate and suicide
Firearms access among pediatric patients at risk for suicide
Gender-based violence and suicide among gender-diverse populations in the United States
Identifying occupation groups for suicide prevention: a statewide data linkage study
Impact of the CoViD-19 pandemic on the suicidal behavior in Romania
Level of suicidal ideation among callers to the Danish Suicide Prevention Helpline
Mental disorders and beyond in the quest to understand suicide: a reply to Joiner and Robison
Physical activity, sedentary behavior, and suicidal ideation in major depressive disorder
Predictive model of suicide risk in young people: the mediating role of alcohol consumption
Preventing suicide in health systems: how can implementation science help?
Reporting ethical procedures in suicide prevention research: current status and recommendations
Session-specific effects on suicidality in group therapy: no evidence for contagion
Sexual victimization and suicide ideation: an atemporal indirect effects model
Six major steps to make investigations of suicide valuable for learning and prevention
Suicidal ideation and risky behavior are related through impulsivity and low wish to live
Suicide and telehealth treatments: a PRISMA scoping review
Suicide in the construction industry: a targeted meta-analysis
Suicide under the Nazi-regime: a case-control study among Amsterdam Jews
Suicide-specific training experiences and needs among military mental health providers
The acceptability of a smartphone app (BlueIce) for university students who self-harm
The content of patient-identified suicidal drivers within CAMS treatment planning
The influence of media on the stigma of suicide when a postsecondary student dies by suicide
Trends in newspaper coverage of suicide in Israel: an 8-year longitudinal study