Are clinicians confident in the risk assessment of suicide? A systematic literature review
Beliefs about one's non-suicidal self-injury: the Experiences of Self-Injury Questionnaire (ESIQ)
Changes after emergency assessment of suicidal patients: an unexpected outcome
Characteristics of suicides and toxicology in a cohort of individuals with opioid use disorder
Depression and suicide literacy among Canadian sexual and gender minorities
Developing an intervention for suicide prevention: a rapid review of lived experience involvement
Does nonsuicidal self-injury predict later suicidal attempts? A review of studies
Early life trauma, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts: the role of rumination and impulsivity
Effectiveness of a French program to prevent suicide reattempt (VigilanS)
Evaluation of an educational intervention for clinicians on self-harm in older adults
Frequency of clinicians' assessments for access to lethal means in persons at risk for suicide
Latent toxoplasmosis is associated with depression and suicidal behavior
Measuring quality of care received by suicide attempters in the emergency department
Mental disorders and suicide risk among cancer patients: a nationwide cohort study
Neurocognitive functioning in adolescents at risk for suicidal behaviors
Non-suicidal self-injury in Russian patients with suicidal ideation
Past-year suicidal ideation among transgender individuals in the United States
Personal, criminal and social predictors of suicide attempts in prison
Prevalence and factors associated with suicidal ideation among university students in Bangladesh
Prevalence of suicide in immigrants/refugees: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Prospective pathways from impulsivity to non-suicidal self-injury among youth
Public service announcements to change attitudes about youth suicide: a randomized controlled trial
Rates of preparatory suicidal behaviors across subgroups of protective firearm owners
Self-injurious thoughts and behaviors among college students: a latent class analysis
Suicide death rate after disasters: a meta-analysis study
Suicide in the time of CoViD-19: review and recommendations
Suicide rates in Nordic prisons 2000-2016
Suicide risk and protective factors: a network approach
Suicide screening among youth at first court contact
The difference of suicidal ideation between shift workers and day workers by gender
The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on suicide outcomes: a meta-analysis
Thirty years of publications in suicidology: a bibliometric analysis
When friends bring you down: peer stress proliferation and suicidality
Zolpidem as a high risk factor for elderly suicide in South Korea