Big five personality clusters in relation to nonsuicidal self-injury
Blunted arousal in response to psychological stress is associated with current suicide ideation
Body trust and agitation: pathways to suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Cancer diagnosis and suicide mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Coping with suicidal urges: an important factor for suicide risk assessment and intervention
Does state dissociation mediate the relation between alcohol intoxication and deliberate self-harm?
Effects of the sex ratio and socioeconomic deprivation on male mortality
Epidemiological study and cost analysis of suicide in Spain: over 100 years of evolution
Everyday discrimination, depressive symptoms, and suicide ideation among African American men
Experiences of suicide in transgender youth: a qualitative, community-based study
Factors predicting intent to intervene with a potentially suicidal peer
Functions of non-suicidal self-injury in late adolescence: a latent class analysis
Influence of spiritual dimensions on suicide risk: the role of regional differences
Medical marijuana laws and suicide
Mental health problems and suicide risk: the impact of acute suicidal affective disturbance
Near term suicide risk assessment: a commentary on the clinical relevance of protective factors
Negative life events and suicide in the National Violent Death Reporting System
Nexus of despair: a network analysis of suicidal ideation among veterans
Old-for-grade status and suicide risk in U.S. high school students
Self-harm, emotion regulation, and experiential avoidance: a systematic review
Sex differences in mental health outcomes of suicide exposure
Social integration and indigenous suicidality
Social support and suicidal ideation among prisoners with major depressive disorder
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among LGBTQ youth: meta-analyses and a systematic review
Suicidality among gender minority youth: analysis of 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data
Suicide attempts among those with migraine: findings from a nationally representative canadian study
Talking about suicide: trends in Christian and socially conservative suicide decedents
The long-term efficacy of suicide prevention gatekeeper training: a systematic review
The portrayal of suicidal behaviour in police television series
The relationship between adult attachment and suicidal thoughts and behaviors: a systematic review
The Trauma and Suicide Potential Index - 5: psychometric evaluation in college samples
Typologies of suicide: a critical literature review
Why adolescents attempt suicide: a qualitative study of the transition from ideation to action