Are we there yet? The American journey to safer city streets [Editorial]
Depression, anxiety, and alcohol use among LGBTQ+ people during the COVID-19 pandemic
Factors associated with calling 911 for an overdose: an ethnographic decision tree modeling approach
George Floyd (October 14, 1973-May 25, 2020): Make future public health better than the past
Homicide epidemic in Cali, Colombia: a surveillance system data analysis, 1993‒2018
Mortality before and after border wall construction along the US-Mexico Border, 1990-2017
State gun-control, gun-rights, and preemptive firearm-related laws across 50 US states for 2009‒2018
Trends in ketamine use, exposures, and seizures in the United States
Youth‒police contact: burdens and inequities in an adverse childhood experience, 2014‒2017