Baltimore Ceasefire 365: estimated impact of a recurring community-led ceasefire on gun violence
Deaths attributed to psychiatric disorders in the United States, 2010-2018
George Floyd and our collective moral injury
Identifying incidents of public health significance using the National Poison Data System, 2013-2018
Impact of police violence on mental health: a theoretical framework
Mandatory bicycle helmet laws in the United States: origins, context, and controversies
Relation of driving under the influence laws to access to firearms across US states
Rural-urban mortality disparities: variations across causes of death and race/ethnicity, 2013-2017
The CoViD-19 pandemic and wildfire smoke: potentially concomitant disasters
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration at 50: protecting workers in a changing economy
Traumatic brain injury-related deaths from firearm suicide: United States, 2008-2017