A call for complex systems and syndemic theory in firearm violence research
Alcohol policy scores and alcohol-attributable homicide rates in 150 countries
Alcohol screening and brief intervention: office-based primary care physicians, U.S., 2015-2016
Association between bully victimization and vaping among Texas high school students
Association between disability and suicide-related outcomes among U.S. adults
Childhood abuse-related weight gain: an investigation of potential resilience factors
Current U.S. state cannabis sales limits allow large doses for use or diversion
Developmental comorbidity of substance use and handgun carrying among U.S. youth
Firearm background checks in states with and without background check laws
ICD-10 Z-code health-related social needs and increased healthcare utilization
Impact of medicaid expansion on reported incidents of child neglect and physical abuse
Intersecting structural oppression and Black sexual minority men's health
Interventions to prevent drugged driving: a systematic review
Intimate partner and sexual violence prevention among youth: a community guide systematic review
Intimate partner violence experienced by adults with diagnosed HIV in the U.S.
Intimate partner violence-related fatalities among U.S. youth aged 0-24 years, 2014-2018
Maternal substance use disorders and accidental drug poisonings in children
Measurement of adverse childhood experiences: it matters
Mental health utilization and expenditures for children pre-post firearm injury
Past-year kratom use in the U.S.: estimates from a nationally representative sample
Prevalence and correlates of driving under the influence of cannabis in the US
Preventing leading causes of death: systematic review of cost-utility literature
Recreational marijuana legalization and co-use with alcohol among adolescents
Role of firearm ownership on 2001-2016 trends in U.S. firearm suicide rates
Screening for interpersonal violence: missed opportunities and potential harms
Sports- and physical activity-related concussion and risk for youth violence
Suicide distribution and trends among male older adults in the U.S., 1999-2018
Systematic review of violence prevention economic evaluations, 2000-2019
The association between neighborhood public transportation usage and youth physical activity
Workplace violence, workforce stability, and well-being in China's psychiatric hospitals