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American journal of forensic medicine and pathology

Year: 2024
Articles in SafetyLit: 23

A 3-year retrospective review of complex suicides with a review of the literature

A possible mechanism of laryngohyoid fractures in hanging: a preliminary observation

Accidental gunshot wound fatalities related to dropped firearms

Experimental tests on external and terminal ballistics of different types of projectiles fired from .38 spl caliber cartridges and study of permanent cavitation in anatomical modeling with 10% ballistic gelatin

Extremity injuries in pillion riders of fatal 2-wheeler road traffic accidents: an autopsy-based study

False-positive rate for suspected drug-related deaths following full autopsy

Fatal iron tablet aspiration: importance of early diagnosis and forensic pathologist awareness

Female homicide victims in Cook County, Illinois: a retrospective review

Femicide in the United States: a study of Connecticut autopsy and death investigation data

Firearm fatalities in the pediatric population: a retrospective study from the Cook County Medical Examiner's Office

Homicide manner-of-death classification in arrest-related death

MDMB-4en-PINACA-related deaths in Cook County Jail: awareness and preventive measures

Medicolegal implications of deaths due to agricultural accidents

Metallization and high voltage burn in lightning

Pilot application of SEM/EDX analysis on suspected cigarette burns in a forensic autopsy case of child abuse

Suicide by an electric power drill and spade drill bit: an unusual mechanism of death

Suicide by ethyl methacrylate ingestion

Suicide by gunshot wound to the posterior head and neck: a retrospective case series and review of the literature

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicide trends in Pretoria, South Africa

The mechanism of death in electrocution: a historical review of the literature

The National Association of Medical Examiners Position Paper on the Investigation and Certification of Pediatric Deaths From Environmental Neglect

Three deaths associated with facial and upper airway burns related to oxygen use

When vaping isn't actually safer: a death from toxic alcohol contaminated vape juice