A 13-year study of fatal falls from height in northern Tunisia
A 20-year review of recumbent pedestrian fatalities (2001-2020)
A case of fatal exsanguination by a Japanese short sword
A fatal colchicine ingestion with antemortem blood concentration
An autopsy case report of homicide by methanol intoxication with pinkish bilateral putamina
Autoerotic death by electrocution: an atypical case study
Complex (multimodality) suicides in New York City: 2008-2017
Death after poison ivy smoke inhalation
Electrocution due to fractal wood burning: two case reports and a review of the medical literature
Hot air balloon fatalities in New Mexico: the forensic pathology experience
Lethal neurotoxicity in lambda-cyhalothrin poisoning: a rare case report
Lightning metallization injury
Non-firearm-related homicides at the Medical University of South Carolina, 2013-2018
Pulmonary aspiration of brain matter in a motor vehicle fatality: a case study
Suicide by gaseous displacement of atmospheric oxygen with carbon dioxide from dry ice sublimation
Suicide via multiple shotgun wounds: a case report and review of literature
The impact of skin color on the recognition of blunt force injuries