A carbon monoxide poisoning case due to lung diffusion test
A neonate with metabolic acidosis: a case report of intentional ethylene glycol poisoning
A plunge in the number of traumatic traffic injuries in an emergency center in Anhui province, China
Acute toxicity associated with cannabis edibles following decriminalization of marijuana in Michigan
Alarming trends in US domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic
An unusual cause of chest pain: exercise induced sternal fracture in a young man
Carbon tetrachloride poisoning from an antique fire extinguisher
Clinical relationship between blood concentration and clinical symptoms in aconitine intoxication
Cricket-related injuries treated in United States emergency departments
Delayed vertebral artery dissection after mild trauma in a motor vehicle collision
Development of severe serotonin syndrome from acute ingestion of vilazodone without co-ingestion
Do-it-yourself slime: a novel cause of pediatric burns
Electronic cigarette explosion/burn and poisoning related emergency department visits, 2018-2019
Emergency department analgesia in patients with traumatic injuries on outpatient buprenorphine
Epidemiology of fatal snakebites in the United States 1989-2018
Evaluation of corrosive poisoning in adult patients
Factors associated with avoidable interhospital transfers for children with a minor head injury
Factors associated with pediatric drowning admissions and outcomes at a trauma center, 2010-2017
Implementation of a tablet-based suicide screening tool in an emergency department
Inhaler intoxications developed during autopsy of the corpse due to cyanide intake: case series
Injury rates per mile of travel for electric scooters versus motor vehicles
Limitations of poison center data analysis
Massive transfusion protocol in adult trauma population
Massive Vespa basalis stings induce an envenoming syndrome
Ocular trauma secondary to exercise resistance bands during the COVID-19 pandemic
Pediatric Lantana camara ingestions reported to Texas poison centers
Pediatric perampanel poisoning
Rethinking disaster vulnerabilities
Studying outcome predictors of drowning at the scene: why do we have so few answers?
The case for an Australian disaster reserve force
The causality between suicide-related mortality and previous emergency psychiatric consultation
The depiction of major disasters in emergency department-associated medical television shows
The impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on ED visits in Lebanon
Thoracic vertebrae fracture: Is it an indicator of abdominal injury?
Traumatic pedestrian and bicyclist injuries associated with intoxication
Treadmill injuries in children
U.S. alcohol associated traffic injuries and fatalities from 2014 to 2018
Vital sign thresholds predictive of death in the combat setting
Young children with psychiatric complaints in the pediatric emergency department