An empirically based power primer for laboratory aggression research
Association between bullying victimization and e-cigarette use among German students
At the core of cyberaggression: a group-based explanation
Children's emotion recognition and aggression: a multi-cohort longitudinal study
Corrigendum to Malamuth et al. (2021): Reference correction
Dark or disturbed? Predicting aggression from the dark tetrad and schizotypy
HEXACO personality correlates of adolescents' involvement in bullying situations
In-law psychological aggression and its impacts on women's health
Internalizing and externalizing symptoms and aggression and violence in men and women
Linking violent video games to cyberaggression among college students: a cross-sectional study
Longitudinal associations between cybervictimization, anger rumination, and cyberaggression
Mean kids become mean adults: trajectories of indirect aggression from age 10 to 22
Nutritional supplementation in the treatment of violent and aggressive behavior: a systematic review
Online dating applications and risk of youth victimization: a lifestyle exposure perspective
Open science and data-sharing issues, and complaint policies: Editorial for Aggressive Behavior
Parenting behavior and growth of child conduct problems: moderation by callous-unemotional traits
Predictors and outcomes of cyberbullying among college students: a two wave study
Protective behavioral strategies for sexual aggression and risky sexual behavior
Push and pushback: control behavior as a precipitant of verbal and violent disputes
School bullying before and during COVID-19: results from a population-based randomized design
Sexism and its associated factors among adolescents in Europe: Lights4Violence baseline results
Sexual violence victimization and suicide: testing a coping-mental health framework
Toddlers' expectations of third-party punishments and rewards following an act of aggression
Transitions in aggression among children: effects of gender and exposure to online violence