An experimental examination of appearance-related safety behaviors in a clinical sample of women
Beyond a dichotomous operationalization of suicide attempts
Comparing the interactions of risk factors by method of suicide among veterans: a moderated network analysis approach
Differential etiologic associations of heroin use and prescription opioid misuse with psychopathology
Prevalence, phenomenology, and impact of misophonia in a nationally representative sample of U.S. adults
Sex and gender differences in risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies
Systemic White supremacy: U.S. state policy, policing, discrimination, and suicidality across race and sexual identity
The effects of family support and smartphone-derived homestay on daily mood and depression among sexual and gender minority adolescents
The role of loneliness and social isolation in mediating the relationship between childhood maltreatment and schizophrenia: a genetically informed approach
Unique versus shared neural correlates of externalizing psychopathology in late childhood