A global call for adolescent intimate partner violence prevention
Assessment of suicidality in trials of psychological interventions for depression: a meta-analysis
Correction to Lancet Psychiatry 2024; 11: 504-15
Decriminalisation of suicide attempt in Ghana: a call to action
Discontinuation symptoms of antidepressants
Forensic mental health: envisioning a more empirical future
Health economics of psychological interventions in PTSD
Incidence of antidepressant discontinuation symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Integration of guidance following mass trauma
Nurse prescribers as key players in shared decision making in psychiatry
Preventing suicide in people who experience incarceration
Prevention of in-hospital suicide in China
Promoting LGBTQIA+ rights in India
Rethinking the effectiveness of trauma-focused psychological treatments for PTSD
Suicide and bipolar disorder: opportunities to change the agenda
Suicide prevention: reflections on progress over the past decade
The challenges at the core of multimorbidity research
The transformative potential of citizen science for mental health
Unregulated social media as a toxin: New York City's public health action
WHO recommendations on psychological interventions for mental disorders
WHO treatment guideline for mental disorders
Why are females less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD in childhood than males?
World Psychiatric Association position statement on mental health and the death penalty