"To whom did I tell that information?" Relationship between destination memory and theory of mind in traumatic brain injury
Alcohol misuse and traumatic brain injury: a review of the potential roles of dopaminergic dysfunction and physiological underarousal post-injury
Alexithymic traits are closely related to impulsivity and cognitive and empathic dysfunctions in intimate partner violence perpetrators: new targets for intervention
Cognition in patients with traumatic brain injury measured by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Basic
Comprehensive cognitive training improves attention and memory in patients with severe or moderate traumatic brain injury
Estimating premorbid intelligence in persons with traumatic brain injury: an examination of the Test of Premorbid Functioning
Measuring reliable change in traumatic brain injury (TBI): the pitfalls of using readily available formulae
Neck injury following nonimpact mild traumatic brain injury in motor vehicle collisions
Road accidents in young adults with ADHD: Which factors can explain the occurrence of injuries in drivers with ADHD and how to prevent it?
Self-efficacy and acceptance of disability following mild traumatic brain injury: a pilot study
Visual memory performance following mild traumatic brain injury and its relationship with intellectual functioning