Assessment of reported time to access a loaded gun among Colorado adolescents
Characteristics and obtainment methods of firearms used in adolescent school shootings
Child abuse prevention in a pandemic-a natural experiment in social welfare policy
Economic burden of US youth violence injuries
Effect of a gun safety video on children's behavior around real guns: a randomized clinical trial
Ensuring precision in methodology for nonfatal firearm injuries [letter]
Ensuring precision in methodology for nonfatal firearm injuries-reply
Hospital admissions for abusive head trauma before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Initiation of and escalation to high-intensity drinking in young adults
National trends in pediatric deaths from fentanyl, 1999-2021
Public benefit programs and differential associations with child maltreatment by race and ethnicity
Seeking a balanced view of child protective services
Temporal trend in suicide mortality for Chinese adolescents, 2008 to 2021
Unintentional pediatric ingestion of cannabis-addressing a growing public health risk
What parents should know about gun safety in the home and vehicle
Years of life lost to firearm suicide among young people in the US