A rare injury to a rear seat passenger: bilateral fracture dislocation of the shoulders
Amitraz: a mimicker of organophosphate poisoning
Dermatological sequela of a car accident: acquired Port-wine stain (Fegeler syndrome)
Duodenal perforation as result of blunt abdominal trauma in childhood
Dystonia not dystopia: effects of the legal high, 'Clockwork Orange'
Exceptional penetrating orbital injury that spared the eye globe
Eye injuries in the extreme environment ultra-marathon runner
Head injury patient with bilateral vocal cord paralysis: a mistake and a lesson learnt
Iliacus haematoma causing femoral nerve palsy: an unusual trampolining injury
Neurological adverse effects of methylphenidate may be misdiagnosed as meningoencephalitis
Penetrating neck injury from a screwdriver: can the No Zone approach be applied to Zone I injuries?
Retinal damage induced by mirror-reflected light from a laser pointer
Seizure induced polytrauma; not just posterior dislocation of the shoulder
The devastating effects a fire burn in a child
The tooth, the whole tooth: an unusual fight bite with an unnoticed embedded tooth in the hand
Traumatically shattered kidney without urine extravasation or vascular amputation
Unique case of pneumomediastinum due to penetrating injury to the mediastinum