An unusual garlic burn occurring on an unexpected area
Antitubercular drug-induced violent suicide of a hospitalised patient
Burns from acetylene gas: more than skin deep
Can posterior hip fracture-dislocation occur in indoor football (futsal)? A report of two cases
Chemical injury caused by acute alendronic acid aspiration
Complete rupture of the pancreas after a kick into the abdomen during a football match
Complex rectal and anal canal injuries secondary to unusual blunt perineal trauma
Complex shoulder injuries in sports
Contusio cordis, not an innocent diagnosis
Delayed torrential haemorrhage after firearm injury
Fatal blunt cardiac injury: Are there any subtle indicators?
Heading the ball: a case of a Le Fort II fracture in a football match
Landmines in the Golan Heights: a patient's perspective
Neurodegenerative disorder masquerading as psychosis in a forensic psychiatry setting
Penile strangulation due to plastic bottle neck: a surgical emergency
Stigma and mental health challenges in medical students