Characteristics and outcome of severe traumatic brain injuries based on occupational status
Characteristics of stepladder fall injuries: a retrospective study
Cross-validation of two prognostic trauma scores in severely injured patients
Epidemiology and outcome of rib fractures: a nationwide study in the Netherlands
Epidemiology of paediatric lower extremity fractures in a tertiary care center in Switzerland
Evaluating tourniquet use in Swedish prehospital care for civilian extremity trauma
Evaluation of the Terror and Disaster Surgical Care course
ISS alone, is not sufficient to correctly assign patients post hoc to trauma team requirement
Major trauma care in Hong Kong and Germany: a trauma registry data benchmark study
Major trauma due to suicide attempt: increased workload but not mortality
Mechanism, frequency, transfusion and outcome of severe trauma in coagulopathic paediatric patients
Penetrating injuries to the vertebral artery: interventions and outcomes from US Trauma Centers
Pre-hospital trauma care in Switzerland and Germany: do they speak the same language?
Prevelance of the costal cartilage fracture on the computerised tomography in chest trauma
Recidivism at the Puerto Rico trauma hospital
Severe trauma patient volume was associated with decreased mortality
Targeted prevention of road traffic deaths in Greece: a multifactorial 5-year census-based study
Terrorist attacks: common injuries and initial surgical management
Thoracoabdominal injuries after a bomb explosion: blast injuries and their clinical effects
Traumatic brain injury and alcohol intoxication: effects on injury patterns and short-term outcome